Upgrading from V0.5 or Newer (Docker)
To upgrade, backup your app data, delete the container, then pull the latest image.
All app data is located in the "tamariappdata" volume.
After making a backup, delete the existing Tamari container.
docker stop tamari
docker rm tamari
Finally, start Tamari using the latest image.
docker run -d --restart=always -p 4888:4888 -v tamariappdata:/app/appdata --name tamari alexbates/tamari:0.7
The database will be upgraded when Tamari starts.
Upgrading from V0.4 (Docker)
In the Version 0.4 Docker image, the required "migrations" directory was not included within the "tamaristorage" volume used for persistent storage. I apologize for this error.
The easiest way to upgrade to the latest version is to do a fresh install, copy the app data to the "tamariappdata" volume, then edit the database to mitigate the missing migrations.
First, start Tamari with the latest image.
Create a tamariappdata volume and place your database and recipe-photos directory in it as follows.
Clear the alembic_version table from the database to avoid error due to missing migrations.
apt install sqlite3
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/tamariappdata/_data
DROP table alembic_version;
Press Ctrl+D to exit sqlite3. Run Tamari from the latest Docker image. A migrations directory will be created and the database will be upgraded.
Upgrading from V0.5 or Newer (Manual)
First, backup your data. All app data is located in the app datadata directory.
Then, pull the latest code and upgrade your database.
cd Tamari
source venv/bin/activate
git pull
pip install -r requirements.txt
flask db migrate
flask db upgrade
gunicorn -b -w 4 app:app